Frequently Asked Questions

Don't worry, we've been asked all this stuff before.

We'd love to sit and chat about how every designer featured on OptionMarks is an amazing designer and an even sweeter person. But you're deep in the FAQ.

We have dozens of years of design experience between us. We have worked between freelance, agency, and corporate in companies ranging from packaging to major league sports.

You'll be getting a great design almost instantaneously from world-class designers at an unbelievable price point. That's pretty good, we think.

Worldwide. Anywhere with an internet connection.

We sell digital goods. If you purchase a digital good from us, we'll make sure you get it shipped near immediately.

In most cases, right after checkout is when your files are available for download.

This isn't really a question as far as questions go, but drop us a line if you have a vague idea of what you think is cool and want to see more of on the site. If you absolutely LOVE what you see but don't have exactly what you're looking for, contact us and we can connect you to one of our very talented designers.

Yeah, and you never have to pay for ice cream again as long as there's a kid with an ice cream cone.

We transfer all intellectual property rights at the moment of sale excluding the right to use the work in our individual and company portfolios. You'll receive a ready to use logo and the source files, you'll own the design.

Well, we prefer to use the term affordable.

Since the logos are made without any client in mind, they haven't been sold. This is a place for designers to post their work, and a place for businesses and start-ups to get their design within their budget.

We cut out the iteration process, going back and forth for weeks. Our prices are clearly labeled so there's no sticker shock.

Look, you're a tastemaker, you're ahead of the curve. If you like what you see, tell your friends, tag us in your posts, scream it from the rooftops until everybody knows that this is the best way to purchase designs. Or keep us a secret, all to yourself.

What we're trying to say is, you found us before everybody else did. Great job, you!

Send us a message and one of our designers will get back to you. We want to offer our customers the best designs at incredible prices, if you think your work fits that bill - We'll list it and you'll get paid when it sells.

Returns and exchanges

This stuff is a little harder to explain, but we'll try our best.

Since you're in possession of digital goods, you should be deleting the originals and any copies of these files. There is no guarantee that your return will be approved as we have no way of proving that you are not intending to continue using the the designs. In special cases, like the purchase of the wrong item, we may be willing to do a straight swap.

Please note that we offer small modifications to these designs such as colour changes included with your purchase and can help make it yours.